FAQ - General


FAQ - General

1. What is MIPD?
  MIPD is the acronym for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Port Development.
2. When was MIPD established?
  MIPD was established on 1st August, 1963.
3. Where is MIPD?
  MIPD is located at Level 4 & 5, Baitulmakmur 1, Medan Raya, Petra Jaya, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak.
4. Who are the current Minister and Deputy Ministers of MIPD?
The Honourable Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas
  Deputy Minister:
(1) The Honourable Ir. Aidel Lariwoo (Infrastructure Development)
(2) The Honourable Dato Majang Renggi (Port Development)

5. Who is the Head of Department for MIPD?
  The Head of Department for MIPD is the Permanent Secretary.
6. What are the core functions of MIPD?
  The core functions of MIPD are policy formulation, planning and development of physical infrastructures and port facilities.
7. What are the subjects and agencies under MIPD? 
  Subjects and Agencies under MIPD are summarised in the table below:



Public Works Department ….more


State Public Works and Buildings; Control and Maintenance of State Roads and Bridges; Road Safety; Federal Public Works undertaken in Sarawak; Ferry Services; Wharves and Jetties.

Kuching Port Authority ….more

Management of Port

Rajang Port Authority ….more

Management of Port

Miri Port Authority ….more

Management of Port

Tanjung Manis Port Authority 

Management of Port

Samalaju Port Authority ...more

Management of Port

Brooke Dockyard and Engineering Works Corporation ….more

Management of Dockyard and Marine Engineering Services.

Watching Brief over

(a)   Roads and Buildings;

(b)   Airports and Airfields; and

(c)   Liaising with Federal Ministries and Agencies on matters           relating to Infrastructure Development.     




Copyright © 2020 Ministry of Infrastructure and Port Development Sarawak.
Last Updated On 26 Jul 2024

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