


When Sarawak achieved independence through Malaysia on 16th September 1963, a Ministry called the Ministry of Communication and Works was established to oversee the overall development of infrastructures and communication facilities in Sarawak.

The first Minister was YB Encik Abdul Taib bin Mahmud, now the Rt. Hon. Pehin Sri (Dr) Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud, the Governor of Sarawak.

In 1984 the Ministry assumed another name, the Ministry of Works and Special Functions. That name however did not last long, and in 1985 it was renamed the Ministry of Infrastructure Development.

In 1996, the Ministry underwent another name change from the Ministry of Infrastructure Development to the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Communications or in short MIDCom, to reflect its role as the prime mover in infrastructure development and communication facilities in Sarawak.

On May 2016, the Ministry rebranded as the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Transportation, or in short MIDT, as this allows for better focus and specialisation by the Ministry on its scope of work.

On 22nd August 2019, YAB Datuk Patinggi (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg, Premier of Sarawak, had announced and renamed the Ministry as Ministry of Infrastructure and Port Development (MIPD) Sarawak.

The current Minister of MIPD Sarawak is the Honourable Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, his Deputy Ministers is the Honourable Datuk Ir. Aidel Lariwoo for Infrastructure Development and the Honourable Dato Majang Renggi for Port Development effective from 4th January 2022.


Copyright © 2020 Ministry of Infrastructure and Port Development Sarawak.
Last Updated On 26 Jul 2024

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