

Transfer of Bintulu Port in June

Posted on 08 Jan 2024
Source of News: New Sarawak Tribune

KUCHING: An agreement has been reached to finalise the transfer of Bintulu Port to the Sarawak government in June 2024.

According to a joint statement by the federal Ministry of Transport (MOT) and the state Ministry of Infrastructure and Port Development, the decision was made during a Joint Federal-State Committee meeting held here today (Jan 8).

The meeting was co-chaired by the Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, who is also Minister of Finance and New Economy II, and Minister of Infrastructure and Port Development along with the Federal Minister of Transport Anthony Loke Siew Fook.

“The Ministry of Transport Malaysia will present a Bill to repeal the Bintulu Port Authority Act 1981 in the 2024 Parliamentary Session.

“To ensure that the operations of Bintulu Port are not adversely affected by the change in status, the Sarawak state government will establish the Bintulu Port Authority (Sarawak) under the Port Authorities Ordinance 1961,” said the statement.

It added that a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) would be signed in February 2024 to realise the transfer of Bintulu Port to the Sarawak state government.

Copyright © 2020 Ministry of Infrastructure and Port Development Sarawak.
Last Updated On 26 Jul 2024

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